Friday, September 24, 2010

Kurds are Turks or friends of the Turks?

The Turks certainly Kürdlerdir world's largest friendly, I wonder if the Turks could be so friendly Kurds?

I am here for the Turks when the Turkish kasdetmiyorum total, I usually talk about. Kasdım nationalists. Kemalist Turks and Muslims are a part. Of course there are friends of Kurds from the Turks. Did you worry about curing the blues with their suffering, those who are sharing the joy, because of what Kurds speak for human rights can not escape from trouble, there are precious şahsyietler, for example, Ismail Besikci! ..

Let's take a brief look back into history as follows.

The name of Kurds değiştirlmiş geography.

Language is prohibited.

The name has been banned.

Culture, and looting was prohibited.

No date has been counted.

Identity has been denied

But despite all this, our brothers the Kurds were always the Turks. In war, the Turks took the side of the narrow days. For the interests of the Turkish state did not stay back even from death. Canakkale example, Korea and Cyprus! In 1977 I was soldier, a soldier had volunteered to Cyprus, had saved themselves thousands of Kurds.

So there is no Kürd'ün düşmanlıği to Turkish. My system faces only. Turkish Kurdish brotherhood has always been at the forefront. It was just past the Islamic brotherhood, now the Democratic Republic of the brotherhood are included. That all the believers are brothers, so the brothers were called Turkish Kurds, now Bijî biratiya Gela (long live the brotherhood of all people) is testing.

But the Turkish side is not so. Television, newspapers, Internet sites, see how many ads you see on the floor of brotherhood Kurds. Everyone is attacking the Kurdish word goes away, even in the so-called pseudo-reviewers for major newspapers insulted Kurds are not being done. PKK is just an excuse. Sometimes explicitly say "we do not have a grudge against the Kurdish people, our hosting journeying sadedece PKK," he. So why Kurds living outside the borders of Turkey is hosting.? Mr. Barzani, for example?

Outside of Turkey, especially the Iraqi state, including the Kurdistan in northern Iraq says the whole world. You have heard this word from the mouth of a Turk you? Hostility know just (for them) was the terror?

To get even more votes in elections, Kurdish hostility is emphasized. I can not forget, one day I was watching television. He killed the president of BBP M. Yazicioglu said: "I will catch Barzani in Arbil, Ankara," the judge, hangs in Diyarbakir, my "Surprised ya! What harm to the Turkish Kurds olduki? Service, other than slavery! Why is so much animosity? Luckily the man was deep state, he knew many things, the helicopter was shot down and was silenced forever. That way, if there is a plan of wrongdoing to God has a plan and the persecution will end some day surely! ..

If the President of Armenia, Cumhur red carpet is laid, anthem is played, the flags are placed. Hakeza the same treatment if it comes from Greece, the authorities will see. But if the Kurdish situation will change. Does not actually flag, anthem, does not rest. Especially not speak a word in their language. Kürdçe bee "Cake Mesut Fermo," he said, was the devil. "Oh, how can a cure for a Turkish minister says the brother," he declared traitors man. I wonder if this keilme, one British, one French or Greek to a reaction that happens if you were told?

Where is this from? Whatever the secret of hostility and hatred. Does it have another meaning?

Mr Barzani said tribal chiefs are still, even the garden bandits, said recently. Do you wonder if something very bad tribal pants? A tribal chiefs in the state administration has not taken any steps, even hundreds of orders in the village, there are thousands or even tens of thousands of people. I wonder how many people do not like tribal leaders may have ordered. If the tribal chiefs in Arab States and the Prime Minister Cumhur head night rush to the hotel, near to, but if the Kurds would be unfaithful. Kurds were brother know? Is this the brotherhood? Oh no, hidden, and even against the Kurds now have an explicit hostility.

The love of Kurds to the Turks not only domestically, abroad as well just continue. After the fourth year of German in Germany, for example, by an additional language is being taught again. Even here, the language of Turkish Kurds prefer English instead of French.

If not, the Turkish Kurds in Europe establishments fail. Bakallarının, Kürdlerdir markets most of its customers. You would not believe, but the Turks are usually done shopping for the German market. Go see the Aldilara, Liedillere, Kauflandlara, Rewe, FBL'lere etc. Who are the customers most of the show?

When as much as I love the Turkish Kurds, Turks, Kurds, then no problem if you do not like, are easier to live with. This has all the rights of the Turks should be given full Kurds.

You have been kept out the enemy forces as an excuse, some things were going to cause riots! ... Halla Halla! ...

Why? ...

Some so-called democratic rights excuse this. Good democratic or human rights of Kurds Give it time, no one should excuse them. But no, actually it is the power of the state system. The system itself has led to occasional riots Kurds.

No external forces were going to give Kurds weapons. External Forces right ... kalaşinkof to cure or give the most heavily armed rocket launcher, but the most heavy weapons are given to the Turkish state. Aircraft, Heronlar, helicopters, tanks v.s. If the weapons of war with foreign powers, namely Kurds, the Turks are fighting again, with their weapons. Mental state, but whether one day "why we are fighting Kurds point, what do you want, come without a fight we'll do it," he does not. Why? Because the government did not deal with terrorists was great! So as most of the heavy weapons do not deal with them to fight? Addressed, and addressed the war, but you do not talk!

Kurds are given guns, to give the more severe the Turkish "Let the fight," they say, we are fighting, but peace can not remember one way.

Really in North Kurdistan (Kurdish geography, according to them, East and South East) Turkey's parçasımıdır? ... For over eighty years, the State is part of why this track is the bomb, people are killing, burning forests ?......

Many intellectuals and government officials still do not even know the Kurdish problem, or want to mislead the Turkish people as kasdi. Even the Kurds are still kind of news they do not zülmün!

Kurds for Kurds out and do good if some of them, as if to minimize the Kurdish rights. We have not got the flag, the soil was not needed. Geography was not needed! Halla Halla!

Every nation must reason why Kurds should not be? Most of those states that support the rights of Kurds to kürdlerdir pro. Be upon them.

Some Kurds are so-called politics in the team. Some rights are now supposed to take, then multiply these rights further. Hundred years of experience in state administration as if the Turks do so dumb? Do not understand this policy!

Yo yo! Of deceit, hypocrisy does not benefit anyone.

Turks, Kurds in the heart of the system rather şudurki düşmalığını, resentment and hatred against the yerleştirmitir cure. The first condition for Turkish Kurds to live as brothers should endear it to the hostile attitude of friendship and brotherhood, you have to go. If you want the Kurds to live together, then at least in this country right up to the Turks should be sahbi.
This is also my opinion, two şekidle.

1 - If the region is not specified, then that is going to live within the state must be bilingual and live in Anatolia that all human rights of minorities should be given. Greeks, Armenians, all of the rights in Chechnya, with Laz, Circassians with, the Bosnians, and others should also be provided Pamaklara. Kurds were supposedly essential element of the rights granted to Greeks, but so far not given ondabiri Kurds know. Kurds lawyer, dr, even prime ministers etc. like oluyormus is full of stories of our profits. That even in our own land we coğrfayasında Anatolia and Kurdistan are not Kurdish. At the entrances of our mountains and the city happy until my Turkish is written. Our children every morning and on the presence of the Turkish victims of domestic assets is.

The state's two official languages should be in Turkish and Kürdçe. As in Switzerland, the Turkish side to the other side of the money must be written in the Kürdçe.

2 - No geographical determined, if that be a federal state structure, then also Turkey's eastern Kurdistan, West can also Turkestan. Each federal government is one of the region and from the two governments set up a central government.

Other solutions do not believe anyone. Some Kurds autonomy, autonomy v.s. Do not look at what they're supposed to politics, though I do not believe the words themselves.

Last word: Or equally Kurds to live together or be granted the right to form their own state. Furthermore, all other solutions are temporary, not final. Let someone else try to deceive anyone, nor what we let ourselves fool.


M. Nureddin Yekta

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